Learn To Skate Scholarship Application Watertown Area United Way funding provides for WFSC LTS scholarship funds. Scholarships are considered on an individual first come, first served basis by the WFSC executive board. All applications will be kept confidential. Parent/Guardian Applicant Name(s): Full Address: Phone: Your email Skater 1 Name: Skater 2 Name: Skater 3 Name: Skater 4 Name: Does your family qualify to receive free or reduced lunches? YesNo Briefly explain your need for this scholarship: *REQUIRED* Please upload previous or current year’s verification of free or reduced lunch qualifications. • Scholarships are a first come, first served basis and are to be used solely for Learn to Skate • Applicant must pay for the $17.50 LTS membership • WFSC will pay a percent (approximately half) of LTS or LTS hockey dues per child (8 weeks) • Does not include LTS Dance (Performance Synchro is not a LTS class) • First come, first served • Anyone in LTS, current or new, can participate • No refunds • WFSC families who are in Club and LTS are expected to fulfill volunteer requirements. • Families who receive scholarships may not use funds to cover volunteer deposit. • Upon approval, applicants will receive a credit in their Entry Eeze account to be applied to registration. • Scholarships available until all monies are awarded. AcceptDeny I attest all information provided above is true and accurate. I understand that not providing full and accurate information may forfeit any scholarships awarded and I will be responsible for reimbursing WFSC the associated fees. Typing your name here represents your legal signature: Date: