The WFSC is run entirely by volunteers. Our club needs the support of our skating members and their parents to operate smoothly and successfully. Each WFSC family is required to volunteer during the skating year as listed below (these hours are required regardless of half session or full session):
ALL WFSC Skaters (Regardless of Level)
•22 hours per skater for one skater
•26 hours for two skaters
•28 hours for three or more skaters per family

A deposit check is due at registration and should be made payable to WFSC. The amount is $400 for one skater and $550 per family for two or more skaters.
Your check will not be cashed unless you have not completed your volunteer hours by the end of the session or season, do not finish a shift, or are a no call/no show. If that occurs, your check will be immediately cashed. If the check is unable to be cashed, your skater will be put on the skater not in good standing list with USFS, and may not be eligible to skate in the upcoming year. If you cannot fulfill the shift you have signed up for – you must find a replacement or notify Jeanie Paulson.
Volunteer events are posted on the WFSC Sign Up Genius pages including number of volunteers slots needed, along with dates and times of events.
Each skate family is allowed a max of TWO (2) volunteers. Volunteers must be registered with Haley Gossen or Dani Hinkelman no later than November 1, 2023. Volunteers may be a skater’s mom, dad, step mom, step dad, legal guardian, sister, brother, or grandparent and must be 18 years or older. All volunteers must be Safe sport certified and pass a USFS background check. Volunteers will also sign the Parent Code of Conduct, adhere to all USFS rules and participate in a training session.
Please note, it is up to YOU to keep track of the volunteer hours, gather the required event chair signature of approval, and return this form before the end of the WFSC ice season. This sheet MUST be completed and returned or your check will be cashed.
Once you have completed your required volunteer time, drop this form in the drop box outside the WFSC Club Room or in person to Haley Gossen or Dani Hinkelman.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeanie Paulson in person or via text/phone (605)728-2775
Thank you for your help to make our club GREAT!!
Download Volunteer Tracking Form
As the season progresses, special volunteer opportunities will be available. Check our sign up page for more opportunities!