WFSC is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for members’ physical, emotional and social development and ensuring that it promotes and environment free of misconduct. This Skater Code of Conduct has been established to ensure the safety of all members using our ice to and the quality practice time for all home club, associate, non-members and guests who purchase ice from the club and who participate in all club related activities.
As a member of WFSC, all skaters must adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times. Unsafe or Discourteous Behavior
will not be tolerated.
By signing, I hereby agree that:
All skaters, regardless of whether they hold home club, associate, non-member or guest status must follow and uphold the tenets in this Skater Code of Conduct regarding behavior on and off the ice. All club members are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and be courteous toward their fellow skaters, coaches, parents of skaters, USFS officials and guests.
Any illegal activity or drugs of any kind, bullying, smoking tobacco and drinking alcoholic beverages will NOT be tolerated either on ice or DURING OFF ICE HOURS! This Code of Conduct continues and applies during all OFF- SEASON periods as well. It is the duty of the skater to report to the WFSC Club President or SafeSport Chair within 48 hours of arrest, citation or summons for any violation of federal, state or municipal laws. Failure to disclose will result in additional sanctions. It is the responsibility of the skater to review the Skater Disciplinary Action form.
All skaters will refrain from posting or participating in any social media activities that violate this code of conduct.
All skaters agree that their social media accounts shall be free from profanity, illegal activities, obscene gestures, innuendo and bullying. There shall be no posting of photos depicting full or partial nudity of the skater or any other person.
While in lesson or practice, it is the skater’s responsibility to always be conscientious and aware of skaters around them.
Skaters must skate with the flow of other skaters and familiarize themselves with the most commonly used areas for jumps and spins.
The only time a skater has the SOLE right of way is when they are skating their program to music. When you hear another member’s music, please extend that person the courtesy and move out of the path. This only takes a moment and you will enjoy the same courtesy while you are performing your program.
Advanced skaters are expected to exhibit patience toward beginner members of the club. Remember, you were an inexperienced skater once, and it takes time for our future generation to advance to the point where they are completely comfortable skating with all levels of skaters.
Skaters will not take it upon themselves to contact any city or rink official for any reason.
Skaters will listen to any and all rink monitors. If they have an issue, they will respectfully bring it up to the President of the Board to be handled.